Futsal balls

Discipline Services Partnership with Kent FA

We have partnered with Kent FA to to conduct disciplinary investigations and services on our behalf.

Our Business Operations Manager is now on Maternity Leave and as part of our continued efforts to provide the highest levels of service to our members, Cambridgeshire FA has partnered with Kent FA to conduct disciplinary investigations and services on our behalf. 

Under the new partnership, Kent FA will liaise with relevant parties to collect statements relating to disciplinary incidents, raise charges and arrange and hold hearings involving Clubs and Participants affiliated to Cambridgeshire FA. All communication will still be received from a Cambridgeshire FA contact address and the main port of call for any queries in relating to any discipline matters will be via Discipline@CambridgeshireFA.com

The team from Kent FA who will be supporting us are: Richard Judd, Jonny Ricketts, Mark Bright and Will Sanderson. If you need to speak with anyone on the phone please contact our Football Operations Officer Sally Metcalfe on 01223 209022

Should you be contacted by a member of Kent FA to provide statements to support an investigation, we ask all our Club’s, Participants and Match Officials to assist them with their investigation as if you had been contacted directly by a member of Cambridgeshire FA staff.